segunda-feira, outubro 13, 2003

O tema é inevitável... cada vez mais, "Blogging" e Jornalismo, são conceitos que se aproximam.

Com o título "Bloggers: Journalists of Tomorrow?", Liz Burdick, 'Staff Writer' da newsletter do "Online Journalism - the news Weblog of the USC Annenberg Online Journalism Review" regista, nos seguintes termos, um artigo publicado no "Chicago Tribune":

"Bloggers are being recognized for their talent and are now being recruited by magazines and newspapers. Those who have hired bloggers say that while actual journalism knowledge and training is important, it isn't always necessary. Instead, what employers like about some bloggers is their capability to write pieces that are intriguing, humorous and that attract readers. Many think that while the recent trend of bloggers being picked up by major publications is interesting, it is nothing that serious journalists should feel threatened by".

Este artigo do "Chicago Tribune" foi escrito por Maureen Ryan e tem por título "An unlikely new source of writing talent:Blogs" e pode ser lido aqui, sendo que, para ter acesso, tem que ser feito um registo, gratuito, no site do "Chicago Tribune".

Dica de Jotaesse, Editor do guia do blog

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